Through the halls of Kellogg Middle School, boisterous music sounds can be followed to Ms. Kovar's Band room. For 36 years, Kim Kovar has been directing and teaching band and has spent the last 28 years doing so at Kellogg Middle School. Kim's hard work and dedication to her students haven't gone unnoticed. This year, Kim was asked to be the SEMBDA (Southeast Minnesota Band Directors Association) 6-8 honor band conductor for their January 13, 2024 show at John Marshall High School.
"I love working with the students and seeing the joy on their faces as they improve, especially during performances," says Kim. "I am lucky as I have had most of my students for three years, so I get to build relationships. Having been at Kellogg for so long, I have also really gotten to know families and have had two generations."
According to the Minnesota Band Directors Association website, the Southeast Minnesota Band Directors Association is an organization assisting in the development of band directors and band programs in schools, colleges, and communities throughout Southeast Minnesota. As the 6-8 Honor Band Conductor, Kim will select, prepare, and direct up to four pieces for the honor band to perform.
When asked about her experience in preparing for the SEMBDA concert, Kim said, "I was so humbled by the invitation and have enjoyed picking the music. I am excited to hear the students during the first rehearsal. Students come from all over southeast Minnesota so most of the students do not know each other and it is exciting to see the friendships that develop during the day, all through music!"
It's no secret that music can bring people together. Through shared experiences, a sense of community, and the power of music, students at Kellogg Middle School and beyond can thank Kim Kovar for bringing them together in song and teaching them the art of creating music.